Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Sexy Pretty Ladies Here!

Enjoyed The Picture?

Well guys, ever wondered how these sexy pretty ladies made their fame? C'mon, think about it before I tell you..


OK, have you figured it out..? Anyway, I'll reveal this ONE secret..


Yes, Congrats if you've guessed it right!

"So, what has it got to do with Internet Marketing?? I'll tell you, this ONE simple lesson I derived from these sexy pretty ladies are the EXACT methods the BEST Marketing Gurus use for their own advantages."

Want examples? You can see it right here now, think of how did you arrive here at this post! Weird how I use such off-beat topic and title to bring you here.. ain't it? I'm not saying you have to use Hot Sexy Ladies or such as topics I'm just showing you one of the ways to bring exposure.

Think of the exposure I am gaining with the title "Sexy Pretty Ladies", but what I'm marketing is something non-related to it, well I'm not trying to boast myself by using such lame methods, in fact it's said to be a very old-school advertising method, but many people seems to be ingoring the power in it!

Of course, I didn't realize this method myself, in fact I read it from a very good Internet Marketing Platform called
Wealthy Affiliate, in which there are many resources and guides, plus a forum with TOP Marketing Gurus discussing different methods for your article marketing, PPC, etc..

WARNING: Seriously I mean you DON'T NEED ANY ADVERTISING OR IN-DEPTH INTERNET EXPERIENCE, it takes even a BUM to start making money online..

What Are You Waiting For..??


See You At The Top!

Success Together, Shall We?

3 Extremely Easy Ways To Make Extra Money Online

3 Extremely Easy Ways To Make Extra Money Online
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Joey_Babineau]Joey Babineau

There are several easy ways to make extra money, you just have to know where to look for these ideas. This article will highlights three steps to make money online for little to no cost as an initial investment.

You may have heard of the term "affiliate marketer" before. Well many people who are looking for easy ways to make extra money have never heard of this term before. It is very important to understand just how easy it can be to make online, even with no technical skills, no knowledge of how to design a website, and less than $30.

Successful companies that thrive off of online sales have done so because they have made it extremely easy for the average person to sell their products for them through simple tricks that no one really knows about.

It is true, that in order to make money online in the past, it was necessary to have your own website, and expertise in designing websites. But in today's world, large companies have realized that there is no benefit to them by making it difficult for people to buy and sell online. That is why it is so simple to find easy ways to make extra money online.

3 Steps for Easy Ways to Make Extra Money

1. Sign up as an affiliate - The first thing you need to do is sign up as an affiliate for a product or service you wish to promote. This may sound scary for newbies, but it is extremely easy. There are some major companies online that allow you to choose from thousands of products to promote. All you do is sign up for FREE, choose a product, click "create link" and then the system will spit out an affiliate link that you can use in your online marketing activities.

Once you have that link, every time someone clicks on that link and buys the product, you will earn money which will go directly into your affiliate account! All you have to do is learn ways to promote that link online. Some well known affiliate companies include ClickBank or Commission Junction. Check out the link at the bottom of this article for a step by step tutorial for marketing your link with Wealthy Affiliate.

Learn How Affiliate Marketers Start Their Online Business RIGHT AWAY!

2. Choose Your Marketing Method - Marketing online for cheap has never been so easy! You can choose from several different ways to market online. First you have to decide if you want to do it for free or to pay for it.

There are several easy and free ways to market your affiliate link online. These include article marketing, forum marketing, e-mail marketing, and several others. Check out the link below which provides a step by step process on some free marketing tricks.

If you are looking to pay for advertising you can do this easily as well. You can sign up to Google adwords and go through their tutorials and make money instantly once you have gone through their sign up process and set your daily budget.

3. Design a Webpage or Landing Page - As I discussed before, designing a webpage can be extremely easy! Companies today have made it very easy to make a webpage. Although you don't need a webpage to make money, it can certainly help you to make more money, once you know tricks on how to attract visitors.

Large hosting companies often provide free software that allows people with no computer skills to design a webpage in a matter of minutes. So if you sign up to a company like Wealthy Affiliate who provide hosting and web design software, you can have your own landing page or webpage with several affiliate links for people to click on in matter of minutes.

The important thing about designing a webpage is to have it optimized so that it is found by major search engines easily. There are several tutorials online which can teach you tricks for optimizing your webpage to increase your chances of getting several visitors.

Those are only 3 Easy ways to make extra money. Once you complete those three easy steps, the trick is to get people to click on your links or visit your webpage or landing page. The more people you get to click through you the more money you will make. It is really that simple.

For more information on attracting people to your links using Wealthy Affiliate click the link below. [http://www.squidoo.com/wealthyaffiliatefacts]Design a money making campaign in 3 hours Step by Step Guide!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joey_Babineau http://EzineArticles.com/?3-Extremely-Easy-Ways-To-Make-Extra-Money-Online&id=1094349

5 Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes

5 Common Affiliate Marketing Mistakes
By [http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=William_J._Thomas]William J. Thomas

Since the advent of the Internet, people in all corners of the world have ventured online to try and find their 'pot of gold' in cyberspace. While a few talented individuals have created their own fiefdoms online such as Myspace, Facebook, Yahoo, etc., for the majority of individuals, they are simply looking to earn some extra income in this great new frontier. When first venturing online, one of the ways that many try their hand at earning income is through Affiliate Marketing. While this form of Internet Marketing holds great potential, there are many pitfalls to avoid. This article looks at several mistakes that beginning and sometimes experienced Affiliate Marketers make that greatly impede their efforts.

1. Building Someone Else's List...Instead of Your Own

Of all the mistakes that beginning Affiliate Marketers make, one of the most egregious is sending people directly to the sellers affiliate website without first capturing their information. What you are doing in essence is building someone else's list at YOUR expense. When marketing an affiliate sellers product, you first want to setup a 'lead capture or squeeze page' to capture their information so that you can sell them any number of products later. As it's been said countless times, "the money is in the list", build your list first.

2. Not Following Up With Prospects.

A major mistake that many beginning Affiliate Marketers make is not following up with their contacts. After spending time and money trying to get quality prospects to a website, many drop the ball here by not following through with their contacts. There are numerous ways to do this without being obnoxious. You could send out a newsletter, free reports or articles that relate to your offer, and other valuable information that keeps you in front of your prospects. Don't overdo it be sending out emails everyday, but do stay in touch with your prospects on a weekly basis.

3. Harassing Your Prospects

In conjunction with this, another mistake that many Affiliate Marketers make is trying to 'push' the sale on their prospects instead of leading them to it. The reality is that no matter how great you think your product or opportunity is, most people won't buy, and even the one's that do won't usually do so the first time they are exposed to your offer. Sending out emails with subject lines like, "What's Wrong, How Come You Haven't Joined My Business?", and "Don't You Want to Make Money?" and emails similar to this will do nothing but irritate and chase away your prospects. In order to be successful, you need patience, and most importantly you need to build confidence and trust with your prospect. Remember, "Some will, most won't".

4. Sending Multiple Offers in the Same Email

Another mistake that many Affiliate Marketers make is including numerous links and offers in the same email. Someone requesting information about a product or opportunity is interested in receiving information about that specific thing. Sending out follow up emails with numerous links and offers will not only confuse your prospect, but will quickly cause them to run for cover by removing themselves from your list. Stay focused in your emails on the product or service you're currently promoting.

5. Promoting Too Many Programs at the Same Time

Promoting numerous affiliate programs at the same time is like dating several women simultaneously; although it's a lot of fun in the beginning, trying to keep up with it all quickly wears you down, and leaves you enervated and broke. Concentrate on one program at a time, and focus on making money with one before expanding your efforts. Don't fall for the better mousetrap theory, that the next product that arrives in your email is the one that's going to make you a boatload of money, but realize that there is no one best product for everyone. In the final analysis, whether or not you have any success with Affiliate Marketing depends more upon you than choosing the perfect product or opportunity.

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in E-Commerce and Internet Marketing. Bill also contributes articles on life, business and other topics. His current website is Build Lifetime Income from Home With Your Own... http://www.billthomas.ws

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=William_J._Thomas http://EzineArticles.com/?5-Common-Affiliate-Marketing-Mistakes&id=1085614